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Border and Migration

Research on the relationship between the U.S.-Mexico border and violence, including the connection between migration and drug smuggling.

Forensic Crisis

How insufficient forensic capacity contributes to disappearances and the efforts underway to address the problem.


The multiple factors that put journalists at risk, and why criminals are not always to blame.

Money Laundering

Resources for understanding the financial strategies used by organized crime and the tools for studying it.

Political Violence

How organized crime makes strategic use of violence to shape politics, and the impacts of violence on democracy.


Key points about official disappearance data and policy regarding victims.

Kingpin Strategy

Findings about how and why the arrest or killing of criminal leaders leads to changes in patterns of violence.


Ways of interpreting music and culture associated with narcotrafficking.

Youth and Violence

The Impacts of Organized Crime and Punitive Drug Policy on Children

Gender Violence

The relationships between femicide, the militarization of the drug war, and incarceration, and how intimate partner violence is often obscured.

Resource articles are a collaborative effort by the Mexico Violence Resource Project community. To contribute to improving them, please read more about our submission process by clicking here.

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